We are pleased to announce that ,The Diaspora Community Projects (Diaspora) is now approved by VTCT Awarding body to deliver Beauty courses.

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Accreditatian And Awards

Skills Rehabilitation Programme:

This is an exchange programme to help the long-term unemployed to gain some work experience in other parts of Europe. The programme aims to give the long-termed unemployed an opportunity to jump-start their career. In giving the participants the opportunity to gain experience abroad we aim to give the participant a sustainable advantage over their counterparts in the UK when apply for job vacancies. They will learn new and different ways to apply their skills.

They will have a chance to broaden their horizons about other cultures, languages and other people and they will be able to add language skills and international experience to their CV’s, qualifications which are increasingly sought after by employers at home as they will be better prepared to do a job in the global business world.

The programme also hopes to enhance the volunteers self reliance and self-confidence, gain significant insights into career options and employers and enhance problem solving, and interpersonal skills.

Preparation to Work Accredited Training:

This is a programme to help the long term unemployed back to work through a ‘Preparation to work Level 1 EDI accredited training programme. Long-term unemployment causes people to lose their self –esteem and confidence and can also lead to some serious psychological effects. These include stress, depression and even drug and alcohol abuse.

Many people out of work today because of the recession are individuals who are highly skilled and experienced, but because of the unexpected loss of their job they lose their confidence in themselves. This accredited course will provide psychological and mental support as well as employability skills training to help them gain their self esteem and get back to work.

Free Sales & Marketing Skills Master Classes:

We are running several one day master classes in Sales & Marketing in 2011 for Small and Medium based businesses across London. The master classes include Marketing with limited Resources, Contracting & Bid Writing, and Media Relations & Online Business .

Reach out Project:

This is a programme to help refugee and asylum seekers in the local community gain ESOL skills and become active citizens and create community cohesion. Such individuals are hard to reach because of their own personal barriers i.e. fears of learning establishments, religious beliefs, fear of hostility, but also because refugee and asylum seekers are less successful in finding jobs.

Refugees face many barriers to employment, competence and confidence in English may be inadequate, qualifications from abroad may not be recognised in the UK, skills may need to be refreshed or tailored to the UK labour market, and understanding of British work culture and recruitment practices may be limited. While as a group possessing relatively high levels of qualifications and skills, many refugees and asylum seekers are severely disadvantaged by a lack of understanding of English.

This project will be able to remove those barriers by providing an ESOL programme at entry level to support the migrant and asylum seeker communities to proceed to the next level in college and find employment.

Employment support:

This is an ongoing project where we help individuals with their employability skills by providing them with job search support and help with compiling CV’s and filling out job applications.

Address: West Suite 4, 2nd Floor ,255-259 Commercial Road ,London E1 2BT

T: +44 203 930 9195 | M: +44 7305 930 748

E: info@diasporacp.org.uk | W: www.diasporacp.org.uk